Check Your Gauge!
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

Check Your Gauge!

Today I learned the valuable lesson on what happens when you do not check your gauge. . . .My plan was to crochet a pair of booties this afternoon, write about how it went, and even list them on the website. But of course, that is not what happened.

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Paper Dolls
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

Paper Dolls

I decided that I wanted to make more stockings in other patterns. I browsed Amazon and found two books I liked. Naturally I assumed that I would have no problem making a new pattern after making eight stockings, even after I always messed up the stockings at the same spot. 

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Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson


There is now a “Commissions” tab in the menu bar at where you can submit your own idea. I would love to work with you to make the image in your head a reality!

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Compensated Creativity
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

Compensated Creativity

As a child, I devised many clever money making schemes. . . . My most clever scheme has to be selling candy to my siblings. I made about $27 one year, but unfortunately that enterprise had to be shut down due to the high amount of theft that occurred.

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The Little Blue Bag
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

The Little Blue Bag

This is my project bag. There aren't many like it, and this one is mine. It’s name changes depending on what is in it. When it contains a knitting project, it is my knitting bag. When it contains a crochet project, it is my crochet bag. On the rare occasion that I decide to travel with embroidery or a small sewing project, it becomes my sewing bag. I take it with me almost everywhere.

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Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson


Crocheting and knitting can be used for a wide variety of projects: the only limitations are your imagination and your budget.

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A.C. No Moore
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

A.C. No Moore

I went to A.C. Moore one afternoon for a much needed escape. To my chagrin, there was a sign on the door announcing that they were closed for a few days due to some mechanical problem. I went back a week or so later, and to my horror, the sign on the door said that they were closed for good!

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Crochet Beanie
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

Crochet Beanie

Fall is here! With the cold weather it is the perfect time for hats and scarves. I love hats! They combine my three favorite things: fun to make, practical, and enjoyable to show off— provided your design is head and shoulders above the rest.

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None the Weezer
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

None the Weezer

When I was thinking of an idea for this blog, I had aspirations of sharing comical stories about times I have messed up while crocheting and knitting. “But I don’t make that many mistakes,” I said to myself. I guess I jinxed myself because I have made a few substantial mistakes recently. In the words of my dear friend, “I’m not superstitious, I’m just a little stitious.”

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Yarn: to Buy or not to Buy
Faith Dickerson Faith Dickerson

Yarn: to Buy or not to Buy

To buy or nor to buy, that is the question.

Hamlet may have reached the ultimate question about the human condition, but surely he was only one step away from discovering what really matters in life: yarn.

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