
Following patterns is a great way to acquire skills, but it is also necessary to test those skills. I enjoy commissions because it is a way for me to test the skills I have acquired while also personalizing something. There is something magical about making someone else's idea a reality. I have so many ideas running around in my head that I end up with hundreds of unfinished projects, but commissions give me the time restraint that is necessary for completing such a task.

My uncle asked me to make him an Eagle’s sweater vest. I was a bit daunted by the idea, but once he sent me his design and a sweater vest he already had in his size, I knew exactly what to do. I calculated the number of rows and stitches I would need and drew out the design on graph paper. Next I figured out where I needed to increase and decrease stitches. The most fulfilling part of the process was applying math to knitting. Completing the vest was like completing a math problem where you hope the work at the beginning is correct, otherwise you have to start over again. The vest fit, and it gave me the courage to accept other commissions of a similar nature.

In fact, you can even commission something if you would like. There is now a “Commissions” tab in the menu bar at where you can submit your own idea. I would love to work with you to make the image in your head a reality!

Click on the image to go to the commissions page.

Click on the image to go to the commissions page.


Paper Dolls


What are the Koalafications?