Paper Dolls

I have made eight stockings that look like this.

So, I decided that I wanted to make more stockings in other patterns. I browsed Amazon and found two books I liked. Naturally I assumed that I would have no problem making a new pattern after making eight stockings, even after I always messed up the stockings at the same spot. 

I even had the lofty plan to make stockings for my entire family for Christmas. As of right now, I have finished one, and started another, so it is not looking like I will actually realize this goal, but there is always next year

I chose to begin with the “Paper Dolls” stocking from Knit a Vintage Christmas. I bought the yarn off of and once it finally arrived, I began the stocking during a lecture about Sacramental Theology in Tolkein. To my delighted surprise, I was not the only one knitting during the lecture. I sat next to another woman who had brought a small project and was just as pleased as I was to meet a kindred spirit.

If you ever bring your knitting to a lecture, I would advise you to pick a project that does not require any attention such as a scarf. I looked at the pattern for the stocking which made no sense at all, so I did the pattern the opposite way it said to, thinking that I had found an error in the instructions.

The lecture ended, and after a few days I finally realized my mistake which is illustrated in the picture below. The people holding hands are supposed to be knit upside down so that the cuff can be folded over. I was very annoyed at myself for being foolish enough to think myself better than I actually am, and I pulled apart the cuff.

I started over again and did not have any more issues. Here is a picture of the completed stocking. It is a rather simple pattern and easily doable. I would say the trickiest part is shaping the heel, but the instructions are so thorough that even that part was a breeze.

Are you looking for personalized Christmas stockings? Click on the image to go to the commissions page.


Collection of Many Yards

