Crochet vs. Knit

Hello and welcome to Cute Crochet and Knifty Knits. You may know me from my “If I’m sitting, I’m knitting (or crocheting) stories on Instagram. If you love knitting AND crocheting, and you love laughing at stupid mistakes made by people who are kind enough to make them and share them with you so that you do not have to make them yourself, then you are in the right place!  

I would love to share some of my favorite projects with you. But it’s not all smooth sailing for this adventurous crafter. (I know that kayaking and sailing are different.)

Photo credit: Hannah Dickerson

Photo credit: Hannah Dickerson

Sometimes I mess up, rip out projects, shed tears, and begin again. I will also share with you some of my favorite pattern sources so that you can make the same projects I have made. However, you can skip the step of misinterpreting the directions, or stubbornly doing the opposite of what the pattern says because you think you are right.

To start off, I would like to know how many times you have been crocheting and people assume you are knitting? Here is a link to a helpful video that explains the difference between the two to your friends, family, and random people who walk by.

Now for the second question, how many times do you simplify your hobby by saying, “I like to knit” instead of, “I love to knit and crochet” just to avoid the inevitable question form your audience: “Oh, what’s the difference?” I must admit, I am guilty of that unspeakable crime. Even my logo for FBD Artistry contains a set of needles, but alas, no crochet hook!

I believe I partially make up for this folly by correctly identifying hand made projects. When I am home from school, I work at a local bagel shop. One morning the store had just opened and I assumed my position at the register. The first customer to come in was a lady with a purple crochet drawstring bag with a decorative flower motif on the front.

 After helping her I asked, “Your bag is pretty. Did you crochet it?” 

She replied, “Yes, do you crochet?” 

“Yeah, I crochet and knit.” 

Next she asked the age old question: “Which one is your favorite?” 

“I’m not sure. Probably knitting, I do more of it anyway.” 

“I prefer crochet because if you mess up, it’s easier to take it out.” This seems to be the general consensus among those who crochet and knit: it is easier to fix a mistake in crocheting than in knitting.

What is your opinion? Do you have a favorite? Are they equally important in your mind?

I would like to leave you with a challenge: find a stranger who has something hand made and ask him or her about that item. Each hand crafted item reflects its maker, just as we humans are made in the image and likeness of our Creator. Here are some FREE journal page templates to write about your find!


Starting next week, I will be experimenting with different stitches from the following two books. One is a crochet pattern book, the other is a knitting pattern book. I suggest that if you would like to join in the fun crochet and knit along, use cotton yarn (also linked below) so that you end up with dishcloths and scrubbies, and not an abundance of pretty but space consuming pieces.


Yarn: to Buy or not to Buy