Cardinal Sweater

I finished this sweater at the beginning of the school year, but I thought I would share the process now, since it is seasonally appropriate to wear a sweater. I knit my first sweater from a pattern six years ago. Since then, I have made at least 10 sweaters without a pattern. As I learn new techniques from other sweater patterns, I add them to my own patterns. For this sweater I used a simple four panel design reminiscent of the one I used for my first sweater.

For the cardinal sweater, I began by cutting out the cardinal logo and tracing it onto knitting graph paper in a notebook I bought off of Amazon. I had to adjust the rounded lines a bit to create a pixelated pattern. Then I did some math to figure out how many stitches and rows I would need for the front and back.

I knit the back panel quickly, but the front panel was inevitably more complicated given numerous colors I had to work with all at once. There are many beautiful places around the CUA campus to knit including outside my dorm building and the Mary Garden behind the Basilica. Knitting is even a great conversation starter. Intrigued by the colorful mess on my lap, many people stopped to ask what I was doing.

Once I finished the front, I calculated the number of stitches and rows for the sleeves. The sleeves in progress allowed for some fun photo opportunities. I must have messed up the calculations though, because I decided to end the sweater 12 rows sooner than intended so that the sleeves would look right.

After the sweater was completed, my roommate graciously agreed to take some pictures of me around campus that you can view in this Instagram post. It was even featured on the CUA Library Instagram page.

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