The Case of the Missing DPNs

T’was a week before Christmas, and I needed size 10 double pointed knitting needles (DPNs) for a sweater I had been commissioned to make. I did not have any, so that left me with two options. Option 1: use the 16-inch, size 10 circular needles (this would not be as smooth as working with the DPNs). Option 2: Go to the craft store and get the DPNs.

I decided to go with the second option. Michales and Hobby Lobby are about equidistant from my house, but in opposite directions. I chose Michael’s as my destination. My youngest brother and sister eagerly accompanied me to the store. I did not find what I was looking for, but I did see about 10 to 15 empty needle spaces on the wall leading me to believe I could find the needles at some other store. Then, like any sane crafter, I perused all the aisles (at least the important ones). even had time to use the bathroom where someone had written on the stall, “YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!” To which some other stranger had responded with, “even when i’m pooping? Thanks!?”

Then we went to Hobby Lobby and got there 12 minutes before closing. There were not size 10 DPNs there either, so I drove us home. As I was pulling into the driveway I said, “Oh! I could check Walmart!” “Let us get out first!” my siblings pleaded. So I dropped them off at home and proceeded to Walmart which is near Hobby Lobby. At Walmart I was distracted by the office supplies, but eventually I made my way to the small craft supplies area. As I expected, there were not any size 10 DPNs. Actually, there were not any DPNs. I left the store accepting the fact that I would have to use the circular needles. But as I got into the van, I had another idea: Jo Anne’s!

After making a couple wrong turns, I finally made it to Jo Anne’s. There I got distracted by all the pattern books. Then I made my way to the knitting and crocheting supplies where they tried to ensnare me into the trap of buying more yarn by putting it all on sale. Tempted as I was, I resisted and only left the store with one ball of yarn and two pattern books of baby clothes. Alas! There were no size 10 DPNs there either.

I went home and began making the little sleeves with the circular needles. You may think this is where the story ends, but wait! There’s more!

The next day, which was a Sunday, my friend and I were shopping near another Jo Anne’s. I figured I would try one more time to find the size 10 DPNs. The store lights were on, two women were sitting inside, and the interior door was propped open with a chair, but it was almost 8P.M., so we checked the hours on the sign as we opened the door. We saw it said the store closed at 6. We were a bit flummoxed and looked up at the women. One of them said, “We’re closed.” As we left, I mumbled, “Than lock the door.” I still do not know why the door was open, but I do know that I did not find any size 10 DPNs there either.


If I’m Sitting I’m Knitting


Cardinal Sweater