MythBusters: Knit and Crochet

There are many myths about knitting and crocheting out there, and I’m writing to put 5 of them to rest!

  1. It’s expensive.

This is just not true. If you want a fabulous yarn collection (hoard *cough*cough) to show off to your friends and family, that can be very expensive. As long as you buy per project, have superhuman self control, and can refrain from going to the craft store when you do not need the cotton yarn that is 50% off, you will be fine.

2.You can't take it everywhere, it’s too bulky to carry around.

This is not true. There are a wide variety of projects such as socks, mittens, and hats that are very portable and could fit in your purse. So you can certainly bring it anywhere, but should you do it anywhere is certainly a separate question. You may have a problem whipping a project out during church or work, but it is definitely a life saver during that three hour long history class when you start to doze off and need to keep your hands busy to stay awake.

3. I don’t have the patience, I’ll never learn.

If you do not have the patience to learn, then you have a virtue deficiency, and you need to practice more patience. In that case, it is in your best interest to do something that tries your patience.

4. It’s for women.

You clearly have not heard of the medieval knitting guilds where men were the master knitters and women were considered too stupid to turn the heel of the sock, or work the toe. If the ignorant medieval women could do basic stitches, so can you.

5. It’s for old women.

Yes, there are plenty of old women who knit, and you will be old someday too. I believe that being prepared is an important life skill, best to get a head start now!


Craft Store Chaos

