Craft Store Chaos

As you can imagine, I love shopping at the craft store. Often this entails walking around for an hour or two picking up random things that I think will be nice to add to my ever expanding trove of craft supplies, and then putting most of the things back because I don't really need them. My siblings hate going to the craft store with me because of how long it takes me to deliberate over purchases. They are especially annoyed when I spend so much time deliberating and do not actually purchase anything. One such instance occurred back in mid July when John and Nathan needed to get dog food. 

Our first stop was Sam’s Club, and all I’ll say is that it was a good thing I left my wallet in the car. Then we went to Wall-Mart where the office supplies were calling my name, but I refrained from making any purchases. Finally, we stopped at Hobby Lobby. I was walking through an aisle that I do not usually frequent–the canvas and tote bag aisle–when my gaze fell upon a rather odd looking canvas bag. I pulled it off the hook and opened the main pocket. There were pockets on the inside and outside. With its tote-like depth, pockets, and crossbody strap, it looks like the perfect purse and project bag all in one! Aside from the random grommets on the outside which looked a bit ugly, there were no glaring issues with the bag. I was in the process of deciding if I should purchase it when John walked by. I asked him what he thought of it, then he stood there for a while as I voiced the pros and cons of getting the bag. Soon Nathan appeared to join in the deliberation. After many frustrated sighs from John saying, “Faith, just get the bag,” I decided to get the bag. 

The next aisle over was home to an assortment of patches, and I thought it would be nice to personalize the bag with one. John and Nathan shared their opinions on which patches I should and should not get. Finally, we narrowed the choice down to two Whinnie the Pooh patches. 

Since we could not decide which patch to get, and John and Nathan were tired of listening to me argue with myself, I took a picture of both to take a vote at home with more voters. It did not help that my father and fiance voted on different patches! After even more deliberation, I decided on the original illustration drawing over the cartoon depiction. I have not yet actually purchased the patch, but the last time I went to Hobby Lobby, the cashier said, “That’s a nice bag. Did you get it here?” “Yes I did!” I replied enthusiastically.

Now the craft store is a bit of a hot topic issue in our house. When I ask, “Who wants to go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's?” I hear, “I am never going to Hobby Lobby with you again! You took forever!” Thus, if you are an extrovert and never like going places by yourself, let this be your warning to not expend the patience of others with chaos at the craft store.


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