The Perils of Technology

As you probably do not know, I have a YouTube channel. In this day in age, it is not enough to simply knit or crochet; one must also be a content creator. I always have ideas of what I want to put in a blog post or a YouTube video, but finding the time amidst work and schoolwork is not easy (as the infrequency of these blog posts demonstrate). On top of all that, I am extremely technologically impaired.

A couple weeks ago I tried to make a YouTube video. I thought I could record several clips and edit them in the YouTube app, but apparently it does not work that way. On my android, I could start and pause a recording, something I have yet to figure out on my iphone. This left me only one choice: record the video in one go. My main issue was that I wanted to talk about The Brothers Karamazov, and tripped up over Fyodor Dostoveski’s name every time. After two or three attempts I finally had a sub par, but ok video. I uploaded the video….OR SO I THOUGHT!

The wifi on campus is terrible, so usually it takes 30 minutes or so to upload a Tik Tok video. This 5 minute video was still uploading as I fell asleep. My phone which was at 10% died while I was sleeping, so my alarm didn't go off. Luckily it was a Sunday and here at CUA, situated by the Basilica, no matter what time you wake up, there is bound to be a mass–including the last call sinners mass at 9PM. I plugged my phone in, and the video had never been uploaded. I tried again, but once dinner rolled around and the video was still loading, I gave up.

To top off this pleasant experience, I knit too many rows on the stocking I was working on while making the video. Yep, once again Weezer’s Undone was in my head. If you are tech savvy and are interested in working with a creative craft addict, please let me know.


Bacon Grease Candle


Instant Failure