Barbie Girl

When I was little, my mother would take my sisters and I to the library for story time. After story time we would each pick some books and a movie. This was back when the library had a three movie limit and I only had two sisters. The arrival of the fourth sister posed some problems to this well planed scheme.

One genre we could always agree on was the classic Barbie movies. This includes Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper, Barbie Princes Charm School, Barbie and the Diamond Castle, Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, and of course, the household favorite Barbie as the Island Princess. My sisters and I did not have many Barbie dolls. They did not last long in our house because if my mom saw them lying on the ground without clothes on, she would throw them away. As we grew older we stopped watching the movies, but we have not stopped referencing them! There are some very catchy songs in those movies, and the villains have hilarious lines.

When I heard the new Barbie movie was coming out, I wanted to see it but not so much that I would pay $20 to see it in theaters. I eventually did see the movie, but what excited me more than the movie was the hype in the knitting world. My instagram feed was full of colorful designs and eye popping patterns. Last summer I began attending knitting and crochet nights at Luv2Knit and More where I learned about a trunk show the shop would be hosting the following Saturday. I had never been to a trunk show, so I figured I would see what it was like. 

It was at the trunk show that I fell in love with the Barbie Chic Shawl! The adorable kit included four skeins of Cozy Color Work yarn, the pattern by Chic and Regal Knits, and adorable high heel stitch markers. The only downside was that the kit was a bit more money (over twice as much) than what I had budgeted for. On top of that, I had come to the trunk show intending to buy yarn for a different project. But that project could wait! The shawl was so beautiful! I decided to get a kit. There were several different options, and I spent a good amount of time thinking over which one to get. Finally I narrowed the choice down to two. The “Business Chic” kit seemed the most practical. The browns and blues would go with almost any outfit. But the “Malibu” kit had the most beautiful colors! Then I thought that if I was going to make something Barbie themed, I had to get the eye popping one. So I bought the “Malibu” kit.

The shawl was so much fun to knit! I did not want to put it down, but I had to put it down to focus on more immediate projects such as test crocheting and Christmas knitting. The multi pattern nature of the shawl made it easy to pick back up right where I had left off each time. 

If you are a knitter who loves to be complimented, this project is for you! The eye popping colors catch attention! People often ask me about what I am knitting, but this project got more compliments while it was still in progress than any other project I have ever knit. The eye-poping colors are difficult to miss. 

I didn’t check my gauge before I started knitting, so the shawl turned out a bit smaller than expected, but it’s a shawl, so it’s one size (no matter what size) fits all!

The day this picture was taken it was a bit chilly out. I have yet to actually wear it on a weather appropriate day. But I’m sure that once the weather warms up and it becomes a regular accessory I’m bound to get lots more compliments!


Fleas on Rats